I Stand with Christ!

22nd August - 30th September, 2020


The full Audit exercise shall be completed after the staff salary has been determined and included in the Audit Report as Account Payable. The Auditors insisted that this should be done, even if there is no fund available to pay. This would be for record purposes. When the Audit exercise has been completed, the Audit Report may be made public for the benefit of the donors.

During the period under review, CSMN launched the LAY FAITHFUL TRUST FUND to expand its fund raising program for Christian advocacy and various humanitarian interventions required for persecuted Christians. The Board of Trustees of the Lay Faithful Trust Fund has been inaugurated and they shall manage the Trust Fund. As usual, the transparency and accountability policy of CSMN shall apply to all donations and expenses. We encourage all Christians to support.

Thank you and God bless you.

  Balance carried forward   1,365,679.01


22-Aug-20           Dada Olu... 1,000.00
23-Aug-20 Emmanuel Adi… 500
23-Aug-20 Basuo Aye… 50,000.00
24-Aug-20 Ajayi Olu… 2,000.00
24-Aug-20 Banji Ma… 10,000.00
25-Aug-20 West Oni… 1,000.00
26-Aug-20 Dateme Pet… 1,000.00
26-Aug-20 Bassey Mar… 2,000.00
26-Aug-20 Udoh Ido… 5,000.00
26-Aug-20 Ekunola Olu… 10,000.00
26-Aug-20 Iderawumi Ade… 10,000.00
26-Aug-20 Oluwafisola Bur… 500
26-Aug-20 Makanjuola Adi… 1,000.00
26-Aug-20 Isuosuo Ogh… 20,000.00
26-Aug-20 Adenuga Mar… 7,000.00
27-Aug-20 Olutuase Olu… 500
27-Aug-20 Olusanjo Olu… 2,000.00
27-Aug-20 Evbuomwan Ehi… 5,000.00
27-Aug-20 Nwachukwu Pat… 5,000.00
27-Aug-20 Adetunji Sok… 20,000.00
27-Aug-20 Rubie Beu… 5,000.00
27-Aug-20 Doris Syl… 30,000.00
28-Aug-20 Pastorium Ven… 3,000.00
28-Aug-20 Samuel & Vic… 30,000.00
28-Aug-20 Unknown Donor 500
28-Aug-20 Ocholi Pau… 1,000.00
28-Aug-20 Bond Sab… 10,000.00
29-Aug-20 Dikko-Audu Sar… 50,000.00
29-Aug-20 Harry Bel… 20,000.00
29-Aug-20 Iranloye Rut… 5,000.00
30-Aug-20 Akande Olu… 50,000.00
30-Aug-20 Ifunanyachukwu Oma… 500
30-Aug-20 Patricia Ken… 1,000.00
30-Aug-20 Basuo Aye… 50,000.00
30-Aug-20 Dikko-Audu Sar… 50,000.00
31-Aug-20 Osinubi Bol… 2,000.00
31-Aug-20 Ebebeinwe Jos… 15,000.00
01-Sep-20 Gbolagunte Wur… 1
01-Sep-20 Bosun Emm… 2,000.00
01-Sep-20 Adewusi Cos… 5,000.00
01-Sep-20 I. A. A.… 200,000.00
02-Sep-20 Etebu Piu… 10,000.00
02-Sep-20 Adoki Daw… 5,000.00
02-Sep-20 Adeyemi Ble… 1,000.00
02-Sep-20 Asala Ola… 1,000.00
02-Sep-20 Rophe Hos… 250,000.00
02-Sep-20 Onayemi Ola… 25,000.00
02-Sep-20 Daniel Eko… 10,000.00
02-Sep-20 Alaba Ola… 1,000.00
03-Sep-20 Uchenna O… 12,000.00
03-Sep-20 Okupe Fey… 10,000.00
03-Sep-20 Rev Fasakin Ade… 5,000.00
03-Sep-20 Okeke Uju… 2,000.00
03-Sep-20 Bankole Tem… 5,000.00
03-Sep-20 Makinde Dr… 6,000.00
03-Sep-20 Onoja Mic… 20,000.00
03-Sep-20 Atamonokhai Goo… 20,000.00
03-Sep-20 Oladipupo Gid… 5,000.00
04-Sep-20 Nnamani Cha… 500
04-Sep-20 Aghayere Vic… 10,000.00
04-Sep-20 DP Rob… 45,000.00
04-Sep-20 Ebiye Ant… 22,000.00
04-Sep-20 Olukunmi Yet… 4,000.00
06-Sep-20 Adeyemi Tay… 5,000.00
06-Sep-20 Akudo Chi… 500
06-Sep-20 Dr Kola And… 3,800.00
06-Sep-20 Suberu Emm… 3,000.00
06-Sep-20 N. U. K.… 100,000.00
06-Sep-20 David Ihe… 1,000.00
07-Sep-20 Adeyeri Agn… 5,000.00
07-Sep-20 Idongesit Oko… 5,000.00
07-Sep-20 Ngozi Ohi… 5,000.00
07-Sep-20 Ogundipe Olay… 2,000.00
07-Sep-20 Rubie… 492.5
07-Sep-20 Osandatuwa And… 13,720.00
07-Sep-20 Raphael Ana… 5,000.00
08-Sep-20 Fasakin Ayo… 10,000.00
08-Sep-20 Wadzani Fri… 500
08-Sep-20 Olaitan Olu… 12,000.00
08-Sep-20 Unknown Donor 9,750.00
09-Sep-20 Abiona Vic… 1,000.00
09-Sep-20 Kieni Tub… 500
09-Sep-20 Awah Ajo… 38,009.00
09-Sep-20 Ani Ayo… 10,000.00
09-Sep-20 Mrs Moj… 500
09-Sep-20 Ilesanmi Sar… 500
09-Sep-20 Oyeneye Pat… 500
10-Sep-20 Lighten Up… 500
10-Sep-20 Dodo Pat… 1,000.00
10-Sep-20 Dodo Pat… 1,000.00
10-Sep-20 Kehinde Ayo… 10,000.00
10-Sep-20 Addy Olu… 5,000.00
10-Sep-20 Oladimeji Gab… 500
10-Sep-20 Bright Kol… 100,000.00
11-Sep-20 Nathaniel Mer… 2,000.00
11-Sep-20 Aadum Kas… 500
11-Sep-20 Eredoro Emm… 5,000.00
12-Sep-20 Tekena Kok… 50,000.00
12-Sep-20 Doris Syl… 21,000.00
14-Sep-20 Unknown Donor 985
14-Sep-20 Adetayo Oyi… 500
14-Sep-20 Tokuta Lin… 6,000.00
14-Sep-20 Emmanuel Ola… 500
15-Sep-20 Berachah Aon… 1,000.00
15-Sep-20 Michael Ade… 1,000.00
15-Sep-20 Samuel Olu… 1,000.00
16-Sep-20 Odebunmi Iya… 30,000.00
16-Sep-20 Babatunde Fra… 1,000.00
16-Sep-20 Tutuola Com… 500
16-Sep-20 Akala Olu… 500
16-Sep-20 Emmanuel Olu… 6,000.00
17-Sep-20 Olarinoye E… 1,000.00
17-Sep-20 Ibiwoye Joa… 10,000.00
18-Sep-20 Capricon Dig… 1,000.00
19-Sep-20 Obi Ife… 1,000.00
20-Sep-20 Emmanuel Mim… 1,000.00
20-Sep-20 Emmanuel Jos… 50,003.00
20-Sep-20 Dawodu Esq… 10,000.00
21-Sep-20 George Sam… 5,000.00
22-Sep-20 Bankole Abi… 5,000.00
23-Sep-20 Okiemute Uji… 500
23-Sep-20 Sokari T… 10,000.00
23-Sep-20 Adenuga Mar… 1,500.00
23-Sep-20 Prof Kontein Tri… 2,000.00
23-Sep-20 Azie Chi… 10,000.00
23-Sep-20 Agboola Olu… 5,000.00
24-Sep-20 Matthew Ozi… 1,000.00
24-Sep-20 Ibanga Obe… 3,000.00
24-Sep-20 Unknown Donor 1,000.00
25-Sep-20 Olajide Wur… 24,000.00
25-Sep-20 Ishola Fey… 500
26-Sep-20 Aadum Kas… 500
28-Sep-20 Dr Itodo Osa… 10,000.00
28-Sep-20 Ani Ayo… 10,000.00
28-Sep-20 Akande Oye… 2,000.00
28-Sep-20 Yawa Gug… 10,000.00
29-Sep-20 Olunloyo Olo… 1,000.00
29-Sep-20 Titus Bos… 5,000.00
29-Sep-20 Nwankpa Ene… 10,000.00
29-Sep-20 Banji May… 10,000.00
29-Sep-20 Taiwo Ade… 500
30-Sep-20 Unknown Donor 500
30-Sep-20 Bosun-Emm… 2,000.00
30-Sep-20 Joseph Sun… 2,000.00
30-Sep-20 Samuel Buk… 5,000.00
30-Sep-20 Haruna Sam… 1,000.00
30-Sep-20 Cesnabmihilo Dor… 500
30-Sep-20 Isuosuo Ogh… 100,000.00
30-Sep-20 Dateme Pet… 1,000.00
30-Sep-20 Adekoya Ola… 1,000.00
  Total donations: 22 Aug - 30 Sep 2020 1,945,760.50
  NET TOTAL    3,311,439.51


24-Aug-20 Support to Du Merci Orphanage, Kano 150,000.00
26-Aug-20 Legal support abducted Christian girl, Kano 50,000.00
26-Aug-20 Medical Bill of Victims - Barau Dikko Hospital, Kaduna 150,000.00
16-Sep-20 Food support for Stephens Children Home 100,000.00
16-Sep-20 Field Survey of Taraba State and Environs          25,000.00
16-Sep-20 Print Media - expenses          25,000.00
19-Sep-20 Legal support abducted Christian girl, Zaria          50,000.00
21-Sep-20 Widows support Garinmallam, Lau, Taraba (Pending)        250,000.00
25-Sep-20 Production of video jingle for Trust Fund          70,000.00
26-Sep-20 Bank Charges            2,550.00
29-Sep-20 I. T. software, equipment and internet expenses        142,831.40
30-Sep-20 Office expenses          28,700.00
  TOTAL EXPENSES 1,044,081.40
  Balance carried forward   2,267,358.11
  NOTE: Donors should kindly remember that balance carried forward includes
  funds for all the other Directorates of CSMN, in line with the Financial Policy
  of the Movement below.  


  Humanitarian  25%
  Politics and Governance 20%
  Legal Intervention 15%
  Media and Publicity 10%
  Admin & Secretariat 10%
  Youth & Empowerment 10%
  Data & Records 5%
  Savings 5%


This financial statement was produced from the information received from the Bank. All donations to Cry of Martyrs was done through the Bank. There was no cash donation received.

Please direct enquiries to admin@csmnigeria.org

The full Audit exercise shall be completed after the staff salary has been determined and included in the Audit Report as Account Payable. The Auditors insisted that this should be done, even if there is no fund available to pay. This would be for record purposes. When the Audit exercise has been completed, the Audit Report may be made public for the benefit of the donors.

During the period under review, CSMN launched the LAY FAITHFUL TRUST FUND to expand its fund raising program for Christian advocacy and various humanitarian interventions required for persecuted Christians. The Board of Trustees of the Lay Faithful Trust Fund has been inaugurated and they shall manage the Trust Fund. As usual, the transparency and accountability policy of CSMN shall apply to all donations and expenses. We encourage all Christians to support.

Thank you and God bless you.

  Balance carried forward   1,365,679.01


22-Aug-20           Dada Olu... 1,000.00
23-Aug-20 Emmanuel Adi… 500
23-Aug-20 Basuo Aye… 50,000.00
24-Aug-20 Ajayi Olu… 2,000.00
24-Aug-20 Banji Ma… 10,000.00
25-Aug-20 West Oni… 1,000.00
26-Aug-20 Dateme Pet… 1,000.00
26-Aug-20 Bassey Mar… 2,000.00
26-Aug-20 Udoh Ido… 5,000.00
26-Aug-20 Ekunola Olu… 10,000.00
26-Aug-20 Iderawumi Ade… 10,000.00
26-Aug-20 Oluwafisola Bur… 500
26-Aug-20 Makanjuola Adi… 1,000.00
26-Aug-20 Isuosuo Ogh… 20,000.00
26-Aug-20 Adenuga Mar… 7,000.00
27-Aug-20 Olutuase Olu… 500
27-Aug-20 Olusanjo Olu… 2,000.00
27-Aug-20 Evbuomwan Ehi… 5,000.00
27-Aug-20 Nwachukwu Pat… 5,000.00
27-Aug-20 Adetunji Sok… 20,000.00
27-Aug-20 Rubie Beu… 5,000.00
27-Aug-20 Doris Syl… 30,000.00
28-Aug-20 Pastorium Ven… 3,000.00
28-Aug-20 Samuel & Vic… 30,000.00
28-Aug-20 Unknown Donor 500
28-Aug-20 Ocholi Pau… 1,000.00
28-Aug-20 Bond Sab… 10,000.00
29-Aug-20 Dikko-Audu Sar… 50,000.00
29-Aug-20 Harry Bel… 20,000.00
29-Aug-20 Iranloye Rut… 5,000.00
30-Aug-20 Akande Olu… 50,000.00
30-Aug-20 Ifunanyachukwu Oma… 500
30-Aug-20 Patricia Ken… 1,000.00
30-Aug-20 Basuo Aye… 50,000.00
30-Aug-20 Dikko-Audu Sar… 50,000.00
31-Aug-20 Osinubi Bol… 2,000.00
31-Aug-20 Ebebeinwe Jos… 15,000.00
01-Sep-20 Gbolagunte Wur… 1
01-Sep-20 Bosun Emm… 2,000.00
01-Sep-20 Adewusi Cos… 5,000.00
01-Sep-20 I. A. A.… 200,000.00
02-Sep-20 Etebu Piu… 10,000.00
02-Sep-20 Adoki Daw… 5,000.00
02-Sep-20 Adeyemi Ble… 1,000.00
02-Sep-20 Asala Ola… 1,000.00
02-Sep-20 Rophe Hos… 250,000.00
02-Sep-20 Onayemi Ola… 25,000.00
02-Sep-20 Daniel Eko… 10,000.00
02-Sep-20 Alaba Ola… 1,000.00
03-Sep-20 Uchenna O… 12,000.00
03-Sep-20 Okupe Fey… 10,000.00
03-Sep-20 Rev Fasakin Ade… 5,000.00
03-Sep-20 Okeke Uju… 2,000.00
03-Sep-20 Bankole Tem… 5,000.00
03-Sep-20 Makinde Dr… 6,000.00
03-Sep-20 Onoja Mic… 20,000.00
03-Sep-20 Atamonokhai Goo… 20,000.00
03-Sep-20 Oladipupo Gid… 5,000.00
04-Sep-20 Nnamani Cha… 500
04-Sep-20 Aghayere Vic… 10,000.00
04-Sep-20 DP Rob… 45,000.00
04-Sep-20 Ebiye Ant… 22,000.00
04-Sep-20 Olukunmi Yet… 4,000.00
06-Sep-20 Adeyemi Tay… 5,000.00
06-Sep-20 Akudo Chi… 500
06-Sep-20 Dr Kola And… 3,800.00
06-Sep-20 Suberu Emm… 3,000.00
06-Sep-20 N. U. K.… 100,000.00
06-Sep-20 David Ihe… 1,000.00
07-Sep-20 Adeyeri Agn… 5,000.00
07-Sep-20 Idongesit Oko… 5,000.00
07-Sep-20 Ngozi Ohi… 5,000.00
07-Sep-20 Ogundipe Olay… 2,000.00
07-Sep-20 Rubie… 492.5
07-Sep-20 Osandatuwa And… 13,720.00
07-Sep-20 Raphael Ana… 5,000.00
08-Sep-20 Fasakin Ayo… 10,000.00
08-Sep-20 Wadzani Fri… 500
08-Sep-20 Olaitan Olu… 12,000.00
08-Sep-20 Unknown Donor 9,750.00
09-Sep-20 Abiona Vic… 1,000.00
09-Sep-20 Kieni Tub… 500
09-Sep-20 Awah Ajo… 38,009.00
09-Sep-20 Ani Ayo… 10,000.00
09-Sep-20 Mrs Moj… 500
09-Sep-20 Ilesanmi Sar… 500
09-Sep-20 Oyeneye Pat… 500
10-Sep-20 Lighten Up… 500
10-Sep-20 Dodo Pat… 1,000.00
10-Sep-20 Dodo Pat… 1,000.00
10-Sep-20 Kehinde Ayo… 10,000.00
10-Sep-20 Addy Olu… 5,000.00
10-Sep-20 Oladimeji Gab… 500
10-Sep-20 Bright Kol… 100,000.00
11-Sep-20 Nathaniel Mer… 2,000.00
11-Sep-20 Aadum Kas… 500
11-Sep-20 Eredoro Emm… 5,000.00
12-Sep-20 Tekena Kok… 50,000.00
12-Sep-20 Doris Syl… 21,000.00
14-Sep-20 Unknown Donor 985
14-Sep-20 Adetayo Oyi… 500
14-Sep-20 Tokuta Lin… 6,000.00
14-Sep-20 Emmanuel Ola… 500
15-Sep-20 Berachah Aon… 1,000.00
15-Sep-20 Michael Ade… 1,000.00
15-Sep-20 Samuel Olu… 1,000.00
16-Sep-20 Odebunmi Iya… 30,000.00
16-Sep-20 Babatunde Fra… 1,000.00
16-Sep-20 Tutuola Com… 500
16-Sep-20 Akala Olu… 500
16-Sep-20 Emmanuel Olu… 6,000.00
17-Sep-20 Olarinoye E… 1,000.00
17-Sep-20 Ibiwoye Joa… 10,000.00
18-Sep-20 Capricon Dig… 1,000.00
19-Sep-20 Obi Ife… 1,000.00
20-Sep-20 Emmanuel Mim… 1,000.00
20-Sep-20 Emmanuel Jos… 50,003.00
20-Sep-20 Dawodu Esq… 10,000.00
21-Sep-20 George Sam… 5,000.00
22-Sep-20 Bankole Abi… 5,000.00
23-Sep-20 Okiemute Uji… 500
23-Sep-20 Sokari T… 10,000.00
23-Sep-20 Adenuga Mar… 1,500.00
23-Sep-20 Prof Kontein Tri… 2,000.00
23-Sep-20 Azie Chi… 10,000.00
23-Sep-20 Agboola Olu… 5,000.00
24-Sep-20 Matthew Ozi… 1,000.00
24-Sep-20 Ibanga Obe… 3,000.00
24-Sep-20 Unknown Donor 1,000.00
25-Sep-20 Olajide Wur… 24,000.00
25-Sep-20 Ishola Fey… 500
26-Sep-20 Aadum Kas… 500
28-Sep-20 Dr Itodo Osa… 10,000.00
28-Sep-20 Ani Ayo… 10,000.00
28-Sep-20 Akande Oye… 2,000.00
28-Sep-20 Yawa Gug… 10,000.00
29-Sep-20 Olunloyo Olo… 1,000.00
29-Sep-20 Titus Bos… 5,000.00
29-Sep-20 Nwankpa Ene… 10,000.00
29-Sep-20 Banji May… 10,000.00
29-Sep-20 Taiwo Ade… 500
30-Sep-20 Unknown Donor 500
30-Sep-20 Bosun-Emm… 2,000.00
30-Sep-20 Joseph Sun… 2,000.00
30-Sep-20 Samuel Buk… 5,000.00
30-Sep-20 Haruna Sam… 1,000.00
30-Sep-20 Cesnabmihilo Dor… 500
30-Sep-20 Isuosuo Ogh… 100,000.00
30-Sep-20 Dateme Pet… 1,000.00
30-Sep-20 Adekoya Ola… 1,000.00
  Total donations: 22 Aug - 30 Sep 2020 1,945,760.50
  NET TOTAL    3,311,439.51


24-Aug-20 Support to Du Merci Orphanage, Kano 150,000.00
26-Aug-20 Legal support abducted Christian girl, Kano 50,000.00
26-Aug-20 Medical Bill of Victims - Barau Dikko Hospital, Kaduna 150,000.00
16-Sep-20 Food support for Stephens Children Home 100,000.00
16-Sep-20 Field Survey of Taraba State and Environs          25,000.00
16-Sep-20 Print Media - expenses          25,000.00
19-Sep-20 Legal support abducted Christian girl, Zaria          50,000.00
21-Sep-20 Widows support Garinmallam, Lau, Taraba (Pending)        250,000.00
25-Sep-20 Production of video jingle for Trust Fund          70,000.00
26-Sep-20 Bank Charges            2,550.00
29-Sep-20 I. T. software, equipment and internet expenses        142,831.40
30-Sep-20 Office expenses          28,700.00
  TOTAL EXPENSES 1,044,081.40
  Balance carried forward   2,267,358.11
  NOTE: Donors should kindly remember that balance carried forward includes
  funds for all the other Directorates of CSMN, in line with the Financial Policy
  of the Movement below.  


  Humanitarian  25%
  Politics and Governance 20%
  Legal Intervention 15%
  Media and Publicity 10%
  Admin & Secretariat 10%
  Youth & Empowerment 10%
  Data & Records 5%
  Savings 5%


This financial statement was produced from the information received from the Bank. All donations to Cry of Martyrs was done through the Bank. There was no cash donation received.

Please direct enquiries to admin@csmnigeria.org

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