I Stand with Christ!

RELIEF PROJECT TO IDPs Maiduguri, Borno State


March 2024

Lay Faithful Trust Foundation (LFTF) conducted relief distribution of food to Christian IDPs in Maiduguri between 4th – 7th March 2024. This project followed the clothes distribution project that was done in February at the same IDP camp.

There are eight (8) IDP camps in Maiduguri township. In this exercise, LFTF was able to reach two out of the eight camps. These camps were established in 2014 shortly after the outbreak of Boko Haram insurgency. The two camps that were reached are:

• CAN Centre IDP camp

• DCC Shuwari IDP camp

It is planned that the remaining six (6) IDP camps shall be visited in April 2024. Due to the high increase in the cost of foodstuff, the sum N4 million earmarked for the project could not go beyond two camps.

In addition to the provision of foodstuff, 133 widows were given cash support of N5,000 each. These are some of the widows of the Christian martyrs. They need our help.

Our brethren in the IDP camps require additional help in the provision of education for their children. This is a capital-intensive project which, once started, should not stop.

We are by this medium appealing to our donors to join us in the mobilization of more Christians. If we could reach one million Christians committed to donating N500 monthly to support Christian IDPs, there would be sufficient funds to make significant impact in their lives. Even with the current economic challenges, mobilizing one million Christians to donate N500 monthly is possible.

We thank all the brethren who generously donated funds for this relief distribution. We thank the Lagos Revival School for donating N2 million out of the N4m for this project. We also thank Bro. David, who used to cover our operations in the North-West but has now moved to the North-East in the service of the Lord.

We request that the brethren join us in sharing this report as well as impress on their Christian contacts that our fellowship in Christ and our shared humanity compel us to respond to the needs of our brethren going through these afflictions. It could have happened to anyone. They did nothing wrong.

God bless you.

Your brother in Christ,


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