I Stand with Christ!

Empowerment Program for IDPs Skill Aquisition Training, Karim Lamido LGA, Taraba State




Karim Lamido LGA, Taraba State

Lay Faithful Trust Foundation (LFTF) has commenced skill acquisition training for interested internally displaced persons (IDPs). This effort is part of its program to achieve self-sustenance and financial independence for internally displaced Christians. The empowerment exercise is in a series of educational programs sponsored by the Lay Faithful Trust Foundation. The initiative includes the payment of school fees for IDPs’ children and the provision of fertilizers to aid the farming efforts of the IDPs.

Under the current skill acquisition program, fifty-five (55) persons of varying ages accepted the offer for skills training. The areas covered in the current exercise are:

1. Fashion design

2. Barbing

3. Repair of mobile phones

4. Hairdressing

In planning the program, LFTF emphasised conducting the training within the Local Government and the State of the beneficiaries. This is to streamline costs and prevent further dispersion of the brethren. The intention is to empower them in their locality so they can be stronger to stand and resist oppression.

It is planned that these skills acquisition programs shall cover the major areas affected by the unfortunate insurgency that has negatively impacted many Christians in northern Nigeria. We continue to count on the generous and compassionate support of Christians, within Nigeria, as well as in the Diaspora, to sustain the ministry to persecuted Christians.

The beneficiaries were full of gratitude and joy for the love shown to them by the brethren. We join them to thank all the brethren whose generous donations make these interventions possible. We also thank Bro. Raymond for faithfully monitoring the project. God bless you all and replenish you abundantly.

Below are some pictures of the beneficiaries with their trainers, and the Lay Faithful Representative, at the various training locations. Most of the trainees in this exercise opted for fashion design.

Thank you for supporting the persecuted Christians. God bless you.

Your brother in Christ,


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Lay Faithful Trust Foundation
10 24 93 74 91

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131 149 4124




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