I Stand with Christ!

Relief Projects to IDPs on 25th and 26th Nov. 2021


IDPs from the following camps also joined to benefit from the relief distribution:
▪️Another IDP Camp at Shagari Low Cost
▪️IDP Camp, Gubio Road Govt. Camp
▪️Teachers Village Camp

We thank Good Way Missions Nigeria for faithfully conducting the relief distribution for the Lay Faithful Trust Foundation.

We also thank all the brethren who consistently donate funds to support our persecuted brethren. God bless you and replenish you all.
Our desire is to ensure that the persecuted brethren are resettled in their homes and empowered to rebuild their lives. We appeal to all Christians who have not joined in supporting the persecuted brethren to kindly do so. N500 a month, minimum, can easily be afforded by most Christians.

We also appeal to Christians to join in the mobilization of other Christians. This can easily be done by forwarding this report to contacts in the Church as well as in the social media. We are all commanded by God to, “Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.” Heb. 13: 3

Please find below some pictures of the relief distribution.

Support Persecuted Christians

“Bank details:

Lay Faithful Trust Foundation
10 24 93 74 91

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