I Stand with Christ!

Food relief to Christian IDPs in Maiduguri, Borno State | Tuesday 6th July 2021


Lay Faithful Trust Fund conducted relief distribution of food to 400 households at two Christian IDP camps in Maiduguri. The two centres are CAN centre and C.A.C. IDP centre.

The project was handled by the Goodway Mission Nigeria for the Lay Faithful Trust Fund. We thank the brethren who diligently handled the project.

We also thank the brethren who donated funds to reach the persecuted brethren. God bless you and replenish your purse.


There are many IDP centres in Maiduguri but due to financial constraints, the project could not be extended to the rest. It is hoped that as more Christians respond to the needs of the persecuted brethren, more help shall be made available to the IDPs.

We encourage all Christians to join in the monthly contribution of minimum N500 to support the persecuted Christians. Our goal in Lay Faithful Trust Fund is to succour, empower, resettle, and rehabilitate the Christian IDPs.

“And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it;” 1 Cor. 12: 26

Support Persecuted Christians

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Lay Faithful Trust Foundation
10 24 93 74 91

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